Carolina Crushers 2015
A gallant effort was put forth in New Jersey on 7/24 – 7/26 at the Summer Meltdown Invitational by several Carolina Broomballers. Donning the Carolina Crushers jerseys, led by Kevin Strezo and Greg Krypel, 12 Carolina Broomballers ventured to New Jersey for their inaugural tournament. While the results were unfavorable, as were the bruises, aches and pains, the motto of “A bad day of broomball is better than a day without broomball” rang true the entire weekend.
The trip certainly has spurred additional interest in tournament travel, a potential Iron Man tournament in Charlotte, and who knows – maybe another invitational in the good ‘ol south one day soon!
See you on the ICE!
Mondo Normile
Chief Ice Officer
Carolina Broomball
[email protected]